TAMRA Biotin Alkyne

TAMRA Biotin Alkyne

Whilst biotin is a highly effective affinity label, fluorescent labels provide a more sensitive, quantitative, and convenient method for visualizing proteins. Trifunctional click chemistry probes that incorporates a ligation handle, a biotin and a fluorophore straightforwardly extended to combine the complementary benefits of both types of label. Dual-label TAMRA Biotin Alkyne probe can be readily incorporated into azide-tagged biomolecules through CuAAC ligation. For example, dual-labeled newly synthesized proteins, glycans, lipids, or DNA/RNA can be readily isolated by affinity purification and visualized by in-gel fluorescence.

Molecular structure of the compound BP-40295
    • Unit
    • Price
    • Qty
    • 1 MG
    • $167.00
    • 5 MG
    • $573.00
    • 25 MG
    • $1923.00

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