

Biotin-PEG3-amine is reactive with NHS ester or carboxylic acid in the presence of EDC or HATU. PEG3 increases aqueous solubility of the molecules conjugated to the biotin compound. It also helps to minimize steric hindrance involved with the binding to avidin molecules. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.

Molecular structure of the compound BP-22826
    • Unit
    • Price
    • Qty
    • 100 MG
    • $95.00
    • 250 MG
    • $220.00
    • 500 MG
    • $430.00
    • 1 G
    • $720.00

Usually ships within 24 hours.

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Product Citations

  1. Blazic, M., Gautier, C., Norberg, T., & Widersten, M. (2024). High-throughput selection of (new) enzymes: phage display-mediated isolation of alkyl halide hydrolases from a library of active-site mutated epoxide hydrolases. Faraday discussions.
  2. Rogowski, L.W., Kim, M.J. spontaneous symmetry breaking propulsion of chemically coated magnetic microparticles. Scientific Report. 2022 Article #17646